  • 期刊

Molecular Scale Organized Polyconjugated polymer-heteropolyacid Composites

Molekulaartasemel struktureeritud polükonjugeeritud polümeer-heteropolühapete komposiidid


Hybrid organic-inorganic molecular-organized materials based on a conductive polymer-poly [2-metoxy-5-(3', 7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV)-doped with Keggin-type heteropolyacids (polyoxometalates) were synthesized. It is shown that the rate of chemical interaction between MDMO-PPV and heteropolyacids correlates with the oxidative activity and acidity of the latter and leads to the formation of tertiary structures due to a strong electrostatic interaction of each 4-6 monomer units of the polymer with the heteropolyacid anion cluster. This interaction manifests itself in the appearance of an intensive EPR signal characteristic of the unpaired electron localized in the conjugated polymer matrix as well as in the changes in optical, photoelectrochemical, and photoluminescence properties of the composite films.
