  • 期刊

Phosphorus Fractionation in Lake Sediments

Fosfori fraktsioneerimine järvesetetes


The influence of reagent concentration, extraction time, and lithological composition of sediment samples on the concentration and composition of the extracted phosphorus fractions was examined. Good reproducibility was achieved for dry samples. The proportions of P fractions were found to depend on the texture of lake sediments, which speaks about an essential role of cohesivity of sediments and sorption of phosphorus in the sediment flocs. The NaOH-P concentration was higher in the samples with a high silt content. Extraction duration did not influence the concentration of metal oxide bound P extraction with a low (0.1 M) NaOH concentration. The total P concentration showed a significant positive correlation with silt (r=0.897), organic matter (r=0.564), and carbonate content (r=0.546). Sedimentary inorganic P in the studied sediments consisted mainly of HCl-P, while NaOH-P and NH4Cl-P constituted only a minor part.
