  • 期刊

Biochemical and Structural Characteristics of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in an Alkaline Environment

Hariliku männi (Pinus sylvestris L.) biokeemilised ja struktuursed iseärasused leelistunud keskkonnas


Uuriti hariliku männi (Pinus sylvestris) okaste anatoomilise ehituse sõltuvust kudede biokeemilisest koostisest ja keskkonna iseärasustest. Kunda tsemenditolmust üle 40 aasta mõjutatud aladel on mullad tugevasti leelistunud. Sõltuvalt kaugusest tehasest (2, 3 ja 5 km E) on vaatlusaladel muldade pH 6,61.7,76 (kontrollalal Lahemaal pH = 3,32, 38 km W) ning esineb tasakaalustamatus puudele vajalike toitainete (Ca, K, Mg, N, P, C jt) osas. Suhteliselt suured erinevused kasvukeskkonnas väljenduvad ka männiokaste anatoomias ja biokeemias. Võrreldes saastamata piirkonnaga Lahemaal, on tehase lähipiirkonnas männiokaste laius, paksus ja ristlõike pindala väiksem, mis tuleneb peamiselt mesofülli, kloroplaste sisaldava koe pindala olulisest vähenemisest. Seoses mesofülli pindala vähenemisegatäheldati fotosünteesis osalevate pigmentide (klorofüllid, karotenoidid), eriti Chl a sisalduse vähenemist ja suhte Chl a/Chl b taseme langust. Seejuures suurimad erinevused kontrollpuude okastest leiti vanemates, kaheaastastes okastes. Samas epidermise, ksüleemi ja juhtkimpude pindala ei erinenud kontrollpuude näitajatest. Saadud tulemused näitavad, et keskkonna leelistumisega kaasneb okastes N-i ja Mn-i defitsiit ning K, Ca ja Fe suhteline liig, mis mõjutavad okaste anatoomilist struktuuri ning pigmentsüsteemi kujunemist.




Investigations in a 75-85-year-old Scots pine stand were performed on a territory influenced over 40 years by alkaline dust pollution (pH 12.3-12.7) emitted from a cement plant. Sample plots were located at distances of 2, 3, and 5 km E of the emission source and a control sample plot was selected on an unpolluted territory 38 km W of it. We studied soil properties and the anatomical structure, mineral nutrition, and pigments in Scots pine needles. The alkaline dust pollution has affected the biogeochemical cycling in the forest ecosystem, increasing the pH and total Ca, K, Fe, Mn, and Mg and decreasing N, C, organic matter, and C/N compared to the unpolluted soils. Alkalization and changes in the nutrient composition of soil had caused serious disbalances in nutrient availability and in the mineral composition of trees. Deficiency in foliar N and Mn and excess of K, Ca, and Fe contents had caused a decrease in the average chlorophyll concentrations. Carotenoids seemed to be more tolerant both to changes in soil and needle nutrient composition. The Chl a/Chl b ratio in needles was found to have declined. With the alkalization of the environment the total area of the needle cross-section, needle thickness, and mesophyll area had also decreased compared with control. Differences in the anatomical characteristics of needles between the polluted and unpolluted areas were significant in the oldest needles. The decrease of mesophyll was associated with the content of chlorophylls and correlated with N concentrations in needles.
