  • 期刊


The Introspection and Coping of Discipline in Student Life-A Northern Junior College in Taiwan as an Example


學生生活管教在學生品德教育及形塑中扮演相當重要的角色,並需在愛與紀律中取得平衡。本研究為探討專科學生相關生活教育的理念內涵與實務策略。本文以焦點團體(focus group)及內容分析法(content analysis)為研究方法,進行對學生生活管教的省思及分析。經由101年4月至6月中五次的訪談,歸納出對學生生活管教的理念措施與方法。其理念為「勤加管教,理性教導」,目標是培育學生「自主性、責任心、守紀律及榮譽感」,執行策略為「多加溝通,態度一致」,討論出九大省思並給予具體建議。此研究結果可作為該校兩校區及他校學生管教上及品德教育的參考。


Discipline in student life plays an important role in shaping their character as well as in cultivating their virtue. This research attempts to explore the principle and the practice strategies of life education (virtue education) in junior college students life. By means of the research methods of ”focus group” and ”content analysis,” we try to probe for the introspection and analysis of discipline in student life. Via the five times of the students' interviews for two months from April to June, 2012, we sum up the ways of discipline in student life. Its core idea is ”Endeavor to discipline; teach rationality.” The goals aim to cultivate their ”autonomy, responsibility, discipline and honor.” The strategies are ”more communication and the consistency of teachers' attitude.” The research provides nine aspects of the introspection and some concrete suggestions. The result can be the referral on discipline in student life for the school which owns two campuses and for other schools.


life education focus group content analysis
