  • 期刊


The phenomenon and reflection of teachers' reward and punishment in students' eyes


獎勵與懲罰是課室中常見的經營策略,學生在求學的歷程中,對教師獎懲方式的想法與感受是甚麼?如何自我調適與適應社會角色的期待?藉著學生回溯對於教師獎懲的覺知與經驗,看見學生的視域,回歸學習的經驗本質,以作為在課室經營中的反思與啟示。本研究採用現象學(Phenomenology)方法論觀點,以兩位五專幼保科一年級學生為研究對象,進行文本資料的蒐集、分析與解釋。研究發現:一旦教師開始獎賞,很難不成為學生的學習動機;沒有人不喜歡獎勵品;沒有獎勵到自己,學生認為是因為自己不夠好;學生認為不乖才會受罰;學生怕被處罰和被貼標籤;學生無法抵擋老師不當處罰;學生認為書讀得不好,是方法不對,不是天資問題;學生認為教不嚴,師之惰。此現象給予的啟示與反思:一、避免學校變成監獄;二、多運用比馬龍效應;三、 家長需要關心學校老師的獎懲方式;四、老師要看見學生的努力;五、把每一個學生都當作是一顆鑽石。


Rewards and punishments are common strategies for classroom management. how students feeling about their teachers' ways of Rewards and Punishments when they were in school?How did they self-adjust and adapt to expectations of society?By tracing back their consciousness and experience about their teachers'rewards and punishments system, we can see students'visions and go back essences of learning experiences to reflect and inspire our operations in classrooms. Our research is adopting the view of phenomenology methodology to study 2 first grade students of infant and educare department of one college,and to collect,analyze and explain textual data. The results show that, once teachers use rewarding strategy, the students' can easily be motivated. There's no one who doesn't like rewards. If they don't get reward, students may think they are not good enough. Students are punished for misbehaving. Students are afraid of being punished and labeled. Students cannot resist improper punishment from teachers. The wrong method leads to poor academic performance, not the problem of talent. If the teacher is not strict to students, the teacher is lazy. The enlightenment and reflection given by this phenomenon: First, avoiding the school becoming a prison; Second, using more Pygmalion Effect as the strategy; Third, parents need to care about the reward and punishment of school teachers; Fourth, the teacher should excavate the student's effort; Fifth, treat each student as a diamond.
