  • 期刊


Utilizing a Quality Control Cycle to Improve Satisfaction of Outpatients Receiving Medical Services in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Survey of a Regional Hospital in Hsinchu City, Taiwan


背景和目的:調查復健科門診病患接受治療的滿意度,進而落實以病患為中心的醫療照顧,提供客觀的醫療品質指標。方法:利用自行設計的問卷,包含「復健科診間」、「復健排程」、「復健治療」、「相關科室」等四大區塊,各區塊再細分為人、事、時、環境、設備等項目,加上人口學變項及其他影響就醫消費的因子,進行信校度的確認後,經由統計軟體,計算平均值、標準差、滿意度等數值,之後選取一項滿意度有待改進的項目「有提供適當的空間放置個人物品」,利用品管手法進行改善措施。結果:經過要因分析,對策擬定,對策實施,及效果確認,該項目的滿意度由72.36% 提升到78.62%,提升的比例為所有項目之首。結論:經由本次的滿意度調查,可瞭解復健科門診病患接受治療時,對於整體流程的滿意程度;而透過品管手法,可確實改善病患滿意度。


品管 復健科 門診病患 滿意度


Background and purpose: In this study, we investigated the satisfaction of outpatients who had received medical services in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Results were also used to provide patient-oriented healthcare and serve as an objective index of healthcare quality. Methods: We used a self-designed questionnaire to assess four main dimensions of satisfaction, including with the outpatient clinic, arrangement of rehabilitation programs, rehabilitation therapy, and other associated departments. Each dimension was further subdivided into five subtitles of people, affairs, time, environment, and equipment. Other factors such as population variations were involved. After confirmation of the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the average, standard errors, satisfaction rate, and percentiles were calculated using SPSS software. One of the factors with the lowest satisfaction rating was selected, i.e., offering proper space for placing personal items, and a quality control cycle was utilized to improve it. Results: Using a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle, satisfaction with the lowest factor improved from 72.36% to 78.62%. This improvement was the greatest among all of the factors. Conclusions: Through this survey, we were able to understand the satisfaction of outpatients receiving medical services in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Most importantly, we found that utilizing a quality control cycle can definitely improve the satisfaction rate.
