  • 期刊


Psychiatric Patients' Satisfaction with Pharmaceutical Consultation


目的:對於主動諮詢用藥相關問題的精神病患,藥師就其基本特質、諮詢內容、諮詢滿意度調查之問卷結果作相關分析及探討。經由相關的分析及探討,瞭解病患基本特質與諮詢滿意度的關係;探討諮詢滿意度與遵循藥師建議之問的關聯性及對病患的影響。方法:收集2003年9月至2003年12月間,精神病患藥物諮詢服務問卷,共139份作相關分析及探討。本報告使用之統計分析方法為描述性統計及卡方檢定法(chi-sqaure test)。結果:報告分析中發現諮詢者性別男性65位(46.8%),女性74位(53.2%);年齡分佈以25到44歲74位(53.2%)居多;居住地區分佈臺北市92位(66.2%);教育程度高中(職)以上107位(76.9%);病患診斷精神分裂症52位(37.4%)。諮詢內容統計:用藥建議58人次(41.7%)、副作用52人次(37.4%)、藥理作用43人次(30.9%)。諮詢滿意度調查結果,是否滿意藥師的回答:非常滿意69位(49.6%)、滿意68位(48.9%)、不滿意1位(0.7%)、非常不滿意1位(0.7%) ; 是否遵循藥師建議:完全遵循藥師建議113位(81.3%),有時遵循24位(17.3%),沒有遵循1位(0.7%),完全不遵循1位(0.7)。對於諮詢者年齡、居住地區、診斷、教育程度、與滿意度的關係,依卡方檢定其p值分別為0.763, 0.477, 0.281, 0.503,在統計學無顯著意義。諮詢滿意度與遵循藥師建議間的關聯性其p值小於0.0001 ,在統計學上具有顯著意義。結論:提供詳盡且滿意的藥物諮詢服務,有助於精神病患遵循藥師建議,提高醫囑性,改善病情。期待各醫院能重視藥物諮詢服務,投入更充足的藥師人力,建構更充份、更方便的諮詢管道。而藥師藉由更多更廣泛藥物諮詢資料的整理分析及討論,將更能掌握病患用藥需求,提供更滿意的服務,促進醫、病、藥之間更為良性的循環。


Objective: Drug consultation services for psychiatric patients were surveyed.The correlation between satisfaction levels of the consultation services relative to several characteristic categories from the questionnaires, e.g. age, residency, diagnosis, education, etc., were investigated. Methods: A total of 139 completed surveys collected between September 2003 and December2003 were analyzed and studied. Descriptive statistical method and Chi-square Test were applied for data analyses. Results: The sample set includes responses from 65 (46.8%) males and 74 (53.2%) females. The major age distribution (53.2%) was from age group of 25-44.Taipei City was the major group in residency distribution; consist of 66.2%.ln terms of educational background, 76.9% of the surveyed population had education level at or above high school. Among the surveyed population, 52 people (37.4%) were diagnosed with schizophrenia.Regarding to pharmacists consultation, of the surveyed population, 41.7% were looked advices for drug regimens, 37.4% were concerned about drug side-effects and 30.9% were interested in drug functions.Percentile distribution for the satisfactory levels of the consultation services was 49.6, 48.9, 0.7 and 0.7% for very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied and strongly dissatisfied, respectively. From the survey, 81.3% of the population showed adherence to the instructions from the pharmacists, while others indicated the instructions from the pharmacists were only occasionally (17.3%) or infrequently (0.7%) or completely not (0.7%) followed. The consultation satisfactory levels relative to age, residency, diagnosis and education of the survey responders, as showed in p values from Chi-square test, were 0.763, 0.477, 0.281 and 0.503, respectively. These represent no statistical significance for the relationships.However, statistical importance between the consultation satisfactory levels and the instruction adherence of pharmacists was found as indicated by a p value of less than 0.0001. Conclusion: In summary, thorough and satisfactory drug consultation services will encourage patients to follow instructions from doctors and pharmacists, thereby improving patient’s condition and accelerating recoveries. We hope that hospital officials realize the importance of this consultation services by maximize the availability of pharmacists and establish more sufficient and convenient service channels on drug regimen information for patients.ln turn, the pharmacists should analyze, discuss and utilize the survey data regarding drug consultation services extensively in order to understand the needs from patients, thereby providing a better service and increase a positive outcome in treating diseases. (Full text in Chinese)
