  • 期刊


Characteristics of Medical Demand at Relief Stations after a Flood in Southern Taiwan




Background and Purpose: It was early June, serious flooding occurred after days of heavy rain in the southern part of Taiwan. This gave rise to various public health, medical service and epidemiology issues and concerns particularly because the affected areas tended to be remote and lack of medical infrastructure. My hospital was assigned to form a Taipei City Hospital Medical Relief Team, hereafter the Relief Team, with the purpose of assisting the rescue mission in five areas. Methods: To understand epidemiology in the disaster areas, we analyzed the reasons given for seeking medical attention, we carried out 1,376 patient visits. Results: The results show that the reason with the highest incidence was muscular-skeletal pain and this accounted for 34.2% of cases. The next highest was skin rash at 33.6% and the total for all remaining reasons including HIVD, periodontitis, CVA, palpitation, blurred vision etc was 23,2%. One particular condition that is worthy of specific mention was skin rash, which was caused by prolonged water submersion. This accounted for 18.7% of all cases. These results are based on our Relief Team's work, which started eight days after the disaster. By then, most cases of water rash or trauma have been taken care and were almost healed. Therefore, as these cases fell away, the high percentage of muscular-skeletal pain may have arisen because people had already began restoration work. One more point worth mentioning and this is that many residents came to use our team seeking ophthalmologic services. According to epidemiologic study on Cataract among Taiwanese older population, the cataract surgery rate was 10% for those 50 years and older. Occupational sun exposure probably plays an important role in these eye ailments. Conclusion: The high prevalence of eye disease among rural populations may need to become an important focus for the future public health studies.


