  • 期刊


Ethical Concerns in Obstetric Anesthesia




Bringing a new life into the world comes with many expectations; however, the majority of pregnant women suffer the pain of childbirth which makes the expecting mothers feel hopeless and discouraged. Obstetric anesthesia must take care of the maternal and fetal safety simultaneously. Whatever the selection of delivery mode, the timing and decision to do a cesarean delivery should be based on the obstetrician's professional diagnosis, otherwise the expecting mother will are an ethical dilemma. The performance of either the epidural anesthesia or cesarean anesthesia challenges the skill and experience of the anesthesiologist. To perform pain control in obstetric anesthesia is a team work which depends on the cooperation with the obstetrician and nursing staff, The mode of anesthesia should be bases on the expectation of patients, the requirements of the obstetrician and the judgment of the anesthesiologist. We shape the quality of patients care and improve it through the good ethics in obstetric anesthesia.


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