  • 期刊


Nursing Experience in Caring for an Immigrant after Cesarean Section


本文旨在描述一位新移民產婦剖腹產後的護理經驗。以Gordon 11項健康功能型態為評估架構,採觀察、會談及溝通方式蒐集資料,結果個案有:疼痛、照顧者角色緊張及低效性哺餵母奶等護理問題。經由主動關懷、教導轉移疼痛的注意力;引導產婦與寶寶建立親子依附情感,提升育嬰能力與自信;提供產婦及家屬哺乳資訊,尋求家屬支持等護理措施介入後,結果使個案疼痛緩解,與新生兒建立良好關係,並學會正確及熟練地照顧新生兒,且在家人支持協助下成功的哺餵母奶,擔起人母的角色。


Background and Purpose: To investigate nursing staff how to take care of a immigrant Postpartum woman, to help her to deal with the problem of health and social adaption when she facing the huge change of cultural difference and social role. By means of the nursing clinic of care and observation way, to exercise Gordon 11 types of healthy function for the valuation, integrating literature review and taking in to collect data by the observation, interview and communication etc. The results revealed that: (1) the bearing of physical pain after Cesarean Section being related to scars irritation, and ignorant of skill to control physical pain; (2) postpartum woman being nervous and not enough experience to care baby; (3) poor efficiency to breast-feed the child. Conclusion: adopting the relevant nursing measure, effectively reducing the feeling of the pregnant woman's ache, encouraging to establish the steady relationship between new born baby and the postpartum woman, making her accurate and proficient in caring baby, continuously breast feeding under the family's support.
