  • 期刊


Reasons for Interruption of Post-radiotherapy Follow-up in Cancer Patients




放射線治療 中斷回診 癌症 追蹤


Background and Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the reasons for interruption of regular follow-up after radiotherapy. Our aim was to provide cancer patients with better amelioration of symptoms and help. Without treatment, rehabilitation will be unable to provide cancer patients with proper protection. Methods: Between Jan 3, 2005 to May 31, 2005, our hospital records showed that the Radiation Oncology Division of our hospital had 454 patients registered for Outpatient Department follow-up after receiving a completed course of radiotherapy. Of these, 61 patients did not return for this follow-up. These patients were initially analyzed using their registration records and history and sorted on sex, age, occupation and education. Then, the cause of the interruption in follow-up was determined by questionnaire using either the telephone or a personal interview. Results: The reasons for interruption of the regular follow-up after radiotherapy included: 22 patients were doing follow-up at another department (36.1%), 13 patients were too busy (21.3%), 10 patient's disease had worsened, which included the death of 3 patients (16.4%), 9 patients were registered with more than one hospital [R&A1] (14.8%), 6 patients were unwilling to return because they felt healthy (9.8%), and 1 patient had forgot the time of the appointment (1.6%). Conclusions: The main reason for interruption of follow-up was that the patient was involved in a follow-up at another department. In order to solve this problem, there is a need to improve communication between the oncologists and other doctors and clinical treatments needs to be carried out in a unified way with doctors from different departments providing interactive information though an established network. In order to help those who missed their follow-up appointment because they were too busy, a more flexible follow-up system should be considered. Among the patients who did not return to the follow-up because they now felt healthy, there is a need to provide better information on correct health concepts and how care is provided as well as better general health education.


radiotherapy interruption follow-up cancer


