  • 期刊


Effect of Wai Tan Kung Martial Arts Exercises on Heart Rate Variability in the Elderly


目的:許多臨床研究已發現老化與疾病狀態均會導致副交感神經活性下降的情形,且下降的程度與其疾病嚴重度或預後有關,本研究的目地是探討外丹功對於中老年人心率變異度的分析。方法:三十名外丹功訓練者以及三十名未曾打過外丹功者參與本研究,比較外丹功組與對照組之間心率變異度頻譜指標、血液流體力學指標以及肺功能量測各項指標間的差異,並且進一步比較外丹功運動前、運動後的心率變異度與血液流體力學各項指標的變化。心電圖訊號的取樣頻率為200赫茲,高頻功率比(高頻功率/總功率)為副交感神經活性的指標,低頻功率比(低頻功率/總功率)為交感與副交感神經共同調控的指標。結果:比較兩組參與者心率變異度、血流動力學及肺功能的差異,以及外丹功運動後心率變異度的變化情形。顯示外丹功組運動前的心跳間期標準偏差與變異係數、總功率、低頻功率及低頻功率比都顯著地大於對照組。外丹功組在外丹功運動後,高頻功率比從運動前的27.7±13.2 nu上升到運動後30分鐘的37.6±16.0 nu,運動後60分鐘又持續又上升到39.8±20.1 nu。相反的,低高頻功率比則由運動前的1.3±1.0下降到運動後30分鐘的1.0±0.9,運動後60分鐘持續下降到0.8±0.6。結論:外丹功的短期效應是提升副交感神經的活性,並使得交感神經的活性下降;外丹功的長期效應是增加交感神經的活性,而不影響副交感神經的活性。外丹功值得被推荐給中老年人作為一種健身運動。


Background & Purpose: Aging and many diseased states have been shown by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis to be associated with depressed vagal activity. This study evaluated the effect of Wai Tan Kung (WTK) on the heart rate variability in aged subjects. Methods: Thirty WTK practitioners and thirty normal controls were included in this study. The stationary state spectral HRV measures, hemodynamics, and spirometry between the WTK group and normal controls and sequential changes in HRV measures and hemodynamics after 40 minutes WTK were compared. The sampling frequency for ECG recording was 200 Hz. The normalized high-frequency power (nHFP=HFP/TP) was used as the index of vagal modulation; the normalized low-frequency power (nLFP=LFP/TP) as the index of sympathetic and vagal modulation. Results: The stationary state spectral HRV measures, hemodynamics and spirometry between WTK group and normal controls, and the sequential changes in HRV measures and hemodynamics after WTK, were compared. We found that the standard deviation and coefficient of variation of RR intervals, TP, LFP, and nLFP in WTK practitioners before WTK were all significantly higher than those of normal controls. After WTK, the nHFP increased significantly from 27.7±13.2 normalized unit (nu) before WTK to 37.6±16.0 nu 30 minutes after WTK, and to 39.8±20.1 nu 60 minutes after WTK. In contrast, the LFP/HFP decreased significantly from 1.3±1.0 before WTK to 1.0±0.930 minutes after WTK, and to 0.8±0.660 minutes after WTK. Conclusion: We concluded that the short-term effect of WTK was to enhance the vagal modulation and to suppress the sympathetic modulation, whereas the long-term effect of WTK was to enhance the sympathetic modulation without compromising the vagal modulation of the elder adults. The WTK is a good health promotion calisthenics that can be recommended to the elder adults.


楊雅雯(2015)。麻醉護理人員輪班與心率變異之相關研究 - 以北部地區某醫學中心為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2015.00044
