  • 期刊


Intrathecal Baclofen (ITB) Pump System for Severe Spasticity in Spinal Cord Injury Patients



脊髓損傷的病患經常合併嚴重痙攣(severe spasticity),使得殘留的肌肉力量無法發揮功能,也無法經由復健增進自主動作的能力,加以痙攣時伴隨的不適感與疼痛,導致復健效果不如預期,日以繼夜的苦痛折磨更大大的打擊病患的信心;造成極大比例的患者,因而放棄努力,成為依賴他人的社會邊緣人或是自卑自棄的自殺者。新引進的植入式腦脊髓腔內Baclofen幫浦系統則為此類病患帶來另一種治療選擇,讓他們能重燃希望繼續奮鬥,爭取重拾人性基本尊嚴的機會。


Spasticity is a major health problem for patients with a spinal cord injury. Usually the incidence of spasticity one year after injury could be over sixty percent. About ten percent of patients who suffered from incomplete spinal cord injury fail to respond to the treatment. Severe spasticity limits patients’ ability to move and live independently. It may cause pain, decreased range of motion, contractures, sleep problem and difficult ambulation. Intrathecal Baclofen (ITB) Pump System is a non-destructive and reversible treatment which provides a new way to allow muscle relaxation under the situation of severe spasticity. The direct delivery of baclofen into cerebrospinal fluid produces long-term reductions in muscle stiffness and improves the ability to move in a majority of patients. This new safe and effective tool helps patients do the things such as feeding, walking and working. It not only gives patients a better quality of daily life but also gains high satisfaction from care givers. The ITB therapy is another good choice to be recommended before surgery is taken into consideration.
