  • 期刊


Improvement Program for Rehabilitation Education after Total Hip Replacement




This report intends to highlight the current trend of discharging patients from hospital as soon as they have received a total hip replacement. In order to avoid dislocation of the hip joint, strengthen weak muscles, and to allow patients to resume normal daily activities, it is essential that nursing staff provide patients with sufficient knowledge for rehabilitation and correct body posturing. This project took place in an orthopedic ward of a regional hospital where the researcher surveyed 106 patients who had had total hip replacement surgery between January 2006 and February 2007. All of the patients had experienced poor satisfaction during their rehabilitation process. Telephone interviews were conducted on 52 patients, and found that the post-surgical rehabilitation education administration rate by nursing staff was only 58%. Through data analysis and questionnaires, the reasons for these low administration rates for rehabilitation education were found to be: a general lack of a standardized procedure for providing rehabilitation education, unfamiliarity by staff with the actual material needed to be taught to the patient; outdated materials; poor display position for the educational material used by the patients; an inefficient review process that would enable a better self-monitoring of patient satisfaction. The proposed solutions included: standardization of the rehabilitation education procedure; on-the-job training for nursing staff; updating educational materials; redesigning and repositioning the display shelf. After reinforcing the review system, the educational competency was improved, and informational brochures were obtained more easily by the patient, thus the administration rate of rehabilitation education was increased from 58% to 92% to offer a superior nursing service.
