  • 期刊


Nursing Care and Teaching Self Care Techniques for Elderly Diabetic from Resident of a Long-term Care Facility




The main purpose of this paper is to describe the nursing experience of taking care of an 80-year-old male diabetic patient who was admitted to our hospital with signs of a lack of sensation in his foot. This had led to the skin becoming red and swollen with the actual loss of skin from the foot. The nursing period was between November 6 and December 4, 2006. Using the 11 items of Gordon's Functional Health Pattern Model as an assessment framework, the results showed that the patient had three nursing concerns. The first point was the general lack of knowledge related to the self-care of the patient's foot. Secondly, falling down and the patients ignorance in not knowing how to prevent it from happening are related. Finally, the concern about his amputation and infection of the foot are related. The patient was taught how to properly care for his foot in a hygienic manner, taking precautions to prevent falling down again. Our results show that the patient learned the new techniques of diabetic self-care for the foot and could apply them effectively. He never fell again during the nursing period. His evaluation score for anxiety dropped from 61 to 31 during this time.


