



Objective: Dementia is one of the most significant public health problems. The incidence of dementia and the risk factors associated with it have not been fully investigated in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for dementia. Method: The data were collected from a total of 424 individuals who were above the age 65. With the assistance of a psychiatrist, these individuals underwent clinical diagnosis (MMSE, CDR, and GDS, DSMIV criteria for dementia, Hachinski's ischemic scale and a CT scan of the brain were used as the standard to diagnose dementia). Among the 424 participants 193 were diagnose with dementia. This data was then used for further evaluation. Result: SPSS statistical analysis was used to analyze the differences between the two groups. Eight significant variables were discovered between the two groups: age, level of education, history of high blood pressure, history of heart disease, symptoms of depression, marital status, intellectual activity and vitamin intake. We then used logistic analysis for data differentiation and the results show that, except for heart disease, all the other variables were shown to be significantly different between the two groups. The data accuracy for this analysis is 70.8%. Conclusion: This study provides indicators for lifestyle changes for the public that will help to prevent the occurrence of dementia, such as increasing intellectual activity at an advanced age, maintaining a balanced nutritional intake and controlling chronic illness. It would seem that a simple change of lifestyle or habits is able to greatly decrease the risk factors for dementia.


dementia lifestyle and habits risk factors
