

結核病在臺灣是一種常見的疾病,肺部是最常被感染的部位。上呼吸道被感染的機會則較少見。而鼻咽部的結核菌感染更是少有。其診斷工具則是作鼻咽部切片。本科於2008年9月經歷1名30歲女性病患,主訴喉嚨痛、鼻塞及右側頸部腫塊約10天。經理學檢查鼻腔及咽喉有輕微發炎的現象。至於頸部腫塊因懷疑有鼻咽癌的情形,故安排鼻咽鏡檢查。結果發現鼻咽部有一腫塊,安排鼻咽切片檢查。切片病理報告為發炎的肉芽組織(granulomatous inflammation)。而acid fast stain雖為陰性,但在高度懷疑為鼻咽結核病下,經藥物治療後鼻咽腫瘤及頸部腫瘤均消失。因診斷的困難性,故提出報告。


鼻咽部 結核菌


Tuberculosis is a common infectious disease in Taiwan and the lung is the most common site of infection. Upper respiratory tract involvement is uncommon and the least common involvement is the nasopharynx. The diagnostic tool is the nasopharyngeal biopsy. We encountered a 30-yearold female at Changhua Christian Hospital who had had pains in her throat, nasal obstruction and a right neck mass for 10 days. A physical examination revealed that there was inflammation in her nose and throat. We arranged an examination using a flexible nasopharyngoscope due to the presence of the neck mass, which was highly suspected to be nasopharyngeal cancer. We found a mass to be present in the nasopharyngeal region. A nasopharyngeal biopsy was arranged for the patient. The pathology consisted of granulomatous inflammation with focal necrosis and there was an absence of acid fast staining. Anti-tuberculosis therapy was prescribed and the nasopharyngeal tuberculosis has a good prognosis. We report the case because it illustrates the difficulties present when diagnosing nasopharyngeal tuberbulosis.


nasopharynx tuberculosis




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