

新生兒溶血症Hemolytic disease of the Fetus and Newborn(HDFN)是新生兒病理性黃疸最常見之原因,在國人中又以Anti-E、Anti-c異體抗體造成HDFN最為常見,在西方人則以Rh系統血型中Rh(D)最重要。本案例為新生兒出生後第六天黃疸值仍偏高(16.0 mg/dl),檢測直接抗球蛋白試驗(Direct anti-globulin test; DAT)結果為陽性,抗體敏感化的嬰兒紅血球,經由沖出試驗(Elution test)抗體鑑定為anti-E+c,故請母親回院抽血檢測DAT結果為陰性,抗體篩檢試驗結果為陽性反應,抗體鑑定為anti-E+c,證實本案例由母體內anti-E+c抗體經由通過胎盤所導致新生兒溶血性疾病。主治醫師依據血庫提供母親及新生兒檢驗報告,第七天對新生兒立即進行第一次的換血(Exchange transfusion)治療,第十六天出院時黃疸值降為12.9 mg/dl;過了2天又因其黃疸情況嚴重再度入院,此時黃疸值為17.1mg/dl,主治醫師於第十九天進行第二次的換血治療,第二十一天出院時黃疸值已降為12.0 mg/dl。


Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, HDFN, is the most common cause of pathological jaundice in newborns; the major cause is ABO incompatibility followed by allogenic antibodies. In Taiwan, anti-E and anti-c are the most common allogenic antibodies causing HDFN, whereas in Western countries the most severe symptoms in newborns occur due to anti-D antibody related hemolysis. Herein we reported a newborn case that presented with high level of serum bilirubin at 6 days after delivery. The newborn tested positive for the direct anti-globulin test (DAT) and the bound antibodies were identified to be anti-E+c by the elution test. The mother tested negative for the DAT but was positive by antibody screening test. Anti- E+c antibodies were found by the identification test. The newborn received a first blood exchange transfusion on the 7th day after delivery and was discharged on the 16th day when the serum bilirubin level had decreased to 12.9 mg/dl and the newborn was in a stable condition. However, the newborn was readmitted for further medical treatment two days later after the serum bilirubin level had increased again to 17.1mg/dl. The newborn received a second blood exchange transfusion on the 19th day after delivery and the serum bilirubin level had decreased to 12.0 mg/dl two days later, at which point the newborn was discharge.
