  • 期刊


Effectiveness of a Cloud Technology-Based Platform on Pharmaceutical Services




Objectives: To evaluate whether a cloud technology based platform may improve the management of pharmacy services. Methods: We constructed a platform that included the registration of PGY pharmacist trainings, medication consultations and medication assessments in intensive care unit (ICU) on the Google Sites. Each domain recorded specified service data for subsequent routine statistical analysis. Results: A total of 688 medication consultations were recorded between January, 2011 and December, 2012. Among these, warning/side effects of medications (22%) was the first concern of consultees. "Do TDM" (19.2%) of the medication assessments in ICU was the most frequently rejected suggestion by clinicians. PGY pharmacist training domain contained several modules including multimedia learning which may raise trainees' attention. Conclusions: This platform can greatly and timely improve the quality and efficiency of pharmacy services, and enhance the interaction between the preceptors and the trainees. The system is worth promoting.


廖苡凱、陳盈之、李碧娥、陳麗琴(2020)。運用Google表單及QR Code提升護理人員OSCE之行政成效高雄護理雜誌37(),11-22。https://doi.org/10.6692/KJN.202005/SP_37.0002
