  • 期刊


Risk Perception, Attitude and Satisfaction towards Blood Lead Screening Program in Taipei City


目的:本研究的主要目的,是以台北市政府針對自來水鉛管引發之健康疑慮所實施的血中鉛篩檢政策,進行風險認知、風險態度與政策滿意度的評估研究。方法:透過臺北市參與血中鉛篩檢的5,479位民眾,採取隨機抽樣方式進行電話訪問,總共獲得有效回覆383份,並以交叉分析、卡方檢定、變異數與迴歸分析,評估民眾在風險認知(基於媒體披露的居住地點)、風險態度(採取預約受檢的行為)與政策滿意度三者間之的動態關係。結果:研究結果顯示,性別、年齡、風險認知會影響台北市民的風險態度。實際接受血鉛檢驗民眾中男性比例(38.1%)雖較女性(61.9%)少,但男性(M=7.0)比女性(M=7.8)較早採取預約動作。年輕族群(40歲以下)不僅占接受血鉛檢驗民眾人數之40.8%,採取預約動作的速度也與年齡層有關,以31-40歲(M=6.45)最快,71 歲以上(M=10)為最慢。不同居住地區對預約時序有顯著差異,以北投區(M=5.83)民眾最為積極,南港區(M=6.374)與文山區(M=6.828)次之。士林、大安、中正、文山、北投、萬華等區是媒體披露的鉛水管地區,相對而言,民眾的預約行動也較積極。從實際接受血鉛檢驗民眾中抽樣電訪結果顯示受檢民眾對政策滿意度高,在「服務環境設施」、「服務態度」、「等候時間等面向」三個構面中,均獲得90%以上的滿意度。結論:本研究認為政府行政單位若適時注重傳播媒體對民眾在風險認知之直接影響,即時回應民意需求,既可排除風險認知和態度的負面擴散效應,亦有助於扭轉民眾個人對政策態度的疑慮,達到政策雙向溝通效果,進而提高政策滿意度。


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the blood lead screening policy developed by Taipei City Government while facing the health concerns brought by lead pipeline of drinking water. This study attempted to understand the dynamics between risk perception (according to the media exposure about risky locations), attitude (come to take the blood screening) and policy satisfaction of people. Methods: The samples were randomly selected from 5,479 citizens who voluntarily participate the blood screening and 383 valid telephone interviews were obtained. The data were analyzed by using the Chi-square test, ANOVA, and regression analysis. Results: The results indicated that the policy satisfaction was significantly influenced by age, risk perception, and attitude. Conclusions: Administrative units of the Government should give prominence to direct influences of media towards people’s risk perception. Their timely response can quell the negative disseminating effects of risk perception and attitude, help reverse public worry and doubt on policies, reach the goal of two-way communication of policy, and increase policy satisfaction.
