  • 期刊


Value-Based Dementia Care


價值為基礎的照護從以證據為基礎的照護開始,衡量費用支出,結合以病人為中心與病人價值概念,推動創新的整合式照護概念。失智症個案因為認知功能缺損,在表達照護價值常需要照顧者協助,應用標準化工具來評估生活品質,可以標準化評估過程。本文章介紹價值照護發展歷史與十大照護原則,介紹如何推動以價值為基礎的失智症照護,並介紹自2012 年從美國開始推動的Choosing Wisely運動,整理美國與加拿大各醫學會提出的失智症照護準則,提供讀者作為未來服務推動的參考。


The value-based care model begins with evidence-based healthcare. This innovative and integrated care concept combines patient-centered and patient values. Patients with dementia require helps from caregiver due to cognitive decline. Good assessment quality for quality of life can be obtained by using standardized tools. This article illustrates the history of value-based care and 10 principles of conducting value-based dementia care, and introduces the campaign of Choosing Wisely started in the United States since 2012. The author also organizes the guidelines for care of dementia brought up by medical associations in the United States and Canada to provide a reference of future health care service for the readers.
