  • 期刊

The Effectiveness of Applying Practicum to the Curriculum



實習,無疑是將理論與實務結合的最佳橋樑之一,將英語教學實習融入課程中,使學生將所學技巧、知識、印證於實務中,亦可提升教學效果與學習動機。 本文以「兒童美語課程設計」該門課程爲例,另設計應用教學實習作業,使學生將課堂所學知識技能應用於教學實習中。在詳述實習課程相關背景資料後,亦將以二階段(自我引導階段及經驗分享階段)分析教學實習作爲一種提升自主學習活動的過程及效果,並同時透過觀察與評量提供教師與學生雙方的觀點。 問卷與評量結果顯示,教學實習對於提升大學生自主學習及提升其學習動機是具顯著正向意義。現今許多教育學者面臨的挑戰爲發展學生自主學習、無論在教師主導的課堂上或課後,應施予學生負責的機會,教學實習對於教學相關課程無疑是一帖良方。


This paper presents a case study of applying a course ”English Teaching Curriculum Design” with teaching practicum. In the first part of this paper, background information on the students concerned is given and the practicum task is described. Then the practicum is analyzed as a learning activity consisting of two phases: the self-directed phase and the experiential phase. Both teachers' and students' perspectives are examined by their observing and evaluation. This study shows applying the course ”English Teaching Curriculum Design” to the practicum is helpful to promote university students autonomy. Teaching practicum offers the task for students to develop autonomy whether in teacher-led classes or outside the classroom. Students need opportunities to take responsibility, but they also need skills and knowledge in order to do this successfully.


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