  • 期刊


Discussing the Consciousness and Value of Life from Officialdom and Seclusion Philosophy in Su Shi's Response towards the Drinking Poems of Tao Yuan-Ming




In Su Shi's mind, the choice between officialdom and seclusion was extremely confusing and conflict. Through the political tragedy of Wutai Poem Case, he fully realized that every day of the future would be in abyss. He clearly reminded himself that he could not run away from the fate of being caught by the net like a worm even though he spread his two wings. Then he understood that he should make the important decision of his life. Firstly, this study explores the cultural background of the era where Su Shi lived and the influence of the convergence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in Sung Dynasty on Su Shi's psychological consciousness in response towards Tao Yuan-Ming which have indicative meaning. Next, it states Su Shi’s real purpose on making response towards Tao Yuan-Ming, through which it analyzes the officialdom and seclusion complex in the response towards the Drinking Poems of Tao Yuan-Ming. Then it probes into how Su Shi conducted self-reflection and self-detachment in the struggle of officialdom and seclusion, and finally obtained the harmony of mind by means of learning from the ancients and surpassing them as well as surpassed himself. In the end Su Shi drew the conclusion that the value of life laid in helping the poor and the weak and practicing statecraft. The meaning of life was serving the people and inheriting the knowledge of the ancestors. Su Shi's sticking to poverty and moral integrity provided him an opportunity to examine the consciousness of his own life and it is the self-clarification for the life value and consciousness. As a statesman and litterateur, Su Shi wrote against forgetting, pursuing his spiritual value and freedom of mind and bearing the social responsibility and mission.


(南朝•宋),劉義慶撰,梁劉孝標注:《世說新語》卷下之上,任誕第二十三, (欽定四庫全書子部十二•小說家類)。
