  • 期刊


Research on the Background of the Establishment of Taiwan Social Welfare System



所謂建制背景,係指建立行政法制的相關背景。行政法制淵源於人類社會,而人類之社會生活,大致上可以分為社會面、經濟面、政治面及法制面等四個面向。而這四個社會面向,各有不同的主軸與觀察角度,只有在充分的檢視與探討後,才能真正掌握該行政法制之建制背景。臺灣文化雖承襲於中國傳統文化,卻又不同於中國傳統文化,研究我國社會福利制度的建制背景,不能忽略臺灣在歷史上的演進與遭遇,這也是臺灣所有行政法制共同的建制背景。本文針對我國戰後社會福利制度,從社會面、經濟面、政治面以及法制面逐一檢視,發現我國社會福利的行政法制,雖源自於中國傳統文化之道統,然在1949 年之後,已因歷史的巧合與安排,而走向一條屬於自己發展的道路。可以說,我國的行政法制雖係從中國傳統文化而起,但是在歷經揉合東西方文化、法律與制度而後,已成為我國特有之行政法制。


The so-called establishment background refers to the establishment of the relevant background of the administrative legal system. The administrative legal system originates from human society. However, the social life of mankind can be roughly classified into four aspects: social, economic, political and legal aspects. However, these four social orientations have their own different spindles and perspectives. Only after sufficient examination and discussion can we truly grasp the background of the administrative legal system. Although Taiwan's culture inherits the traditional Chinese culture but differs from the Chinese traditional culture and studies the background of the establishment of the social welfare system in our country, we can not ignore the historical evolution and suffering in Taiwan. This is also the common institutional background of all administrative and legal systems in Taiwan. This article aims at the postwar social welfare system in our country. From the social, economic, political and legal aspects, we can see that the administrative legal system in our country is derived from the traditional Chinese culture. However, after 1949, Historical coincidence and arrangement, but to a path of their own development. It can be said that although China's administrative legal system started from the traditional Chinese culture, it has become China's peculiar administrative and legal system after its integration with Eastern and Western cultures, laws and institutions.


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