  • 期刊


The Establishment of Parking Information System by Using the Artificial Intelligence




人工智慧 Arduino Dijkstra演算法 APP


With an economic boom and the pace of life is getting faster, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of cars used. People enjoy its convenience and comfort for using cars, but result in parking mismanagement and other issues because of the limitations of Taiwan villain thick. When the people engaged in leisure activities or went to work, they would face the problem to bypass the entire parking lot to find the parking space because of the larger parking area and the parking space being short. To waste time to look for parking spaces will affect the mood of work or leisure, and will also lead to environmental pollution caused by excessive exhaust gas. Therefore, this study aimed to parking information system based on advanced information systems architecture passersby, set up for use in the photosensitive Arduino modules determine whether each parking of vehicles parked there, then information instantly passed through the use of WIFI module to parking service server immediately determining the remaining statistics and the number and location of parking spaces, using Dijkstra algorithm to plan the shortest paths from the entrance to the parking, generating overview diagram information, and transmitting the parking information to the APP.. In this way, the parking lot information can be grasped through the APP. of the Instant Parking Lot Overview. It is no longer necessary to spend time searching for the parking space in the parking lot.


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