  • 期刊

運用層級分析法研究影響消費者使用OK Mini智販機之考量因素

Applying AHP Method in Studying the Factors Influencing Consumer Using OK Mini Vending Machines


本研究旨在探討影響消費者使用OK Mini智販機之因素及其重要性,採用層級分析法建立層級架構,並以中華大學曾使用過OK Mini智販機的師生及行政人員為受訪對象,了解其對智販機使用時的優先順序,並提出研究結論及建議。根據研究結果可知,在目標構面方面,受訪者以「便利省時」為首,其他依序為「零售創新」、「使用誘因」及「易於使用」,此結果可供相關業者及消費者參考。


智販機 OK Mini 層級分析法


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence consumer using OK Mini vending machine and the importance and priory of them, using a hierarchical analysis method to establish a hierarchical structure. The teachers, students and administrators who have used the OK Mini vending machine in Chung Hua University are interviewed to understand their prioritization when using OK Mini, and then put forward research conclusions and recommendations. According to the results of the study, the interviewees gave priority to "convenience and time saving", and the others were "retail innovation", "use incentives" and "ease of use". This result can be used for reference by OK Mini operators, product suppliers, competent agencies and consumers.


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