  • 期刊


Discussion on the Matrices of Machine-made Garment Units and Assembly Line Production in the Fast Fashion Era




The rationalization policy of the factory is carried out as a means to achieve all corporate goals. Focusing the efforts of all employees in the organization with the corporate goal as the common yardstick, we can carefully observe the problem of "improvement of productivity". Productivity is not just about how many finished products can be produced or how many finished products have been produced, but also the thorough pursuit of the added value created in the production process. In response to fast-fashion trends, a small number of diverse clothing is a challenge for the garment industry. Limited manpower and resources are adjusted to achieve the fastest production. In the same way, product quality is also improved. By analyzing the process of processing finished products to create new value products, you will understand the problem of so-called rationalization. In the absence of technical personnel, more senior technical personnel and new recruits work together, and the quality can reach a certain level. At the same time, it can also cultivate a new generation of technical personnel and inject new vitality to make the enterprise sustainable. The traditional assembly line production method is suitable for small quantity production, and a pair of two is suitable for many small quantity production methods.


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