  • 期刊


The Relationship between Tri-warmer Vessel and Endocrine System


傳統醫學中,手足共有十二條經絡,其中十一條經絡有明顯的五臟及六腑器官組織對應,只有三焦經未提及明確的對應臟腑,因此後世對於三焦經的存在與否爭議頗多。直到德國解剖生理學家傅爾醫師,利用電針才發現到體表穴位與體內的器官、組織或功能,皆有特定的對應關係,其中三焦經的體內對應關係為內分泌系統。 本文從經典中描述的經絡循行走向及藏象功能兩方面,來認識三焦經功能,分別為上焦主要是受納水穀,及宣發布散精氣於全身;中焦則是指脾、胃的腐熟及運化水穀作用;下焦主要是排泄水液及糟粕。而現代內分泌系統適切地詮釋古代「上焦如霧、中焦如中區、下焦如瀆」的三焦功能現象,也解決了三焦經的形名爭論。目前尚有許多現代西醫束手無策的功能性症狀,若能重新審慎地用現代科學方法加以整合研究傳統醫學,可以將古人千百年來於臨床經驗有效的方劑導入,讓現代醫學注入一股新的力量。


三焦 內分泌系統 經絡


There are 12 meridians spreading over our hands and feet, every meridian is connected with an obvious particular special organ and tissue. But traditional medicine books said ”triple warmer” meridian has no corresponding relation with any organ or tissue. And it has still been controversial to its existence for several centuries. Not until the mid 20th century, Dr Voll discovered the specific relationship between Electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV) measurement points and anatomy. The triple warmer vessel (or meridian) is consistent with endocrine system. As a review on the traditional medicine book, this article talked about the route and its physiological function of ”triple warmer vessel”. It contents several kinds of physiological functions including digestion, transmission and excretion. Endocrine system can fully explain all the controversy of ”triple warmer vessel”. The final discussion will emphasize on the importance of meridian system in the basic integration of the traditional Chinese and Western medicine.
