  • 期刊


Green Food Research - A Literature Rview of the Nutrition and Optimal Brewing Temperature of Taiwan Tea


本研究以台灣主要生產茶葉為研究對象,採質性研究之次級資料分析方法,透過資料彙整與文獻分析,探討茶葉之營養成分與最較佳沖泡溫度。研究資料主要包涵29 項與研究主題相關之學術論文與茶學專書內容,進行台灣主要生產之不發酵茶(三峽綠茶)、半發酵茶(文山包種茶、高山茶、凍頂烏龍茶、鐵觀音茶、東方美人茶)、以及全發酵茶(日月潭紅茶)等七個茶葉品項進行資料彙整與分析。研究結果指出,新鮮茶葉含有75~80%水分與20~25%茶葉乾物質,而茶葉乾物質主要營養成分,包括碳水化合物、蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、茶多酚、以及生物鹼,且其中游離糖、胺基酸、多酚化合物、以及咖啡因為茶葉滋味與風味重要因素。另外,彙整台灣主要生產茶葉之最適沖泡溫度調查結果得知,七個茶葉品項之最適沖泡水溫分別為:三峽綠茶「80˚C」、東方美人茶「80˚C~85˚C」、文山包種茶「80˚C~90˚C」或「90˚C~100˚C」、高山茶「95˚C~100˚C」、凍頂烏龍茶「100˚C」、鐵觀音茶「100˚C」、日月潭紅茶「100˚C」。本研究成果期能於台灣茶藝文化、滋味、營養與環保思維中理出新觀點。


The purpose of this research is to explore nutrition and the optimal brewing temperature of Taiwan tea. The study organized literature findings from 36 academic paper and tea science books by secondary data analysis on qualitative research. Seven Taiwan tea, included non-fermented tea (Sanxia District green tea), semi-fermented tea(Wenshan Pouchong tea, Taiwan Alpine tea, Dongding Oolong tea, Mucha Iron Goddess tea, Oriental Beauty tea), and fermented tea (Sun Moon Lake black tea), were selected for qualitative data collection and analysis of the study. The result shows that fresh tea contains 75~80% of water and 20~25% dry matter, in which the soluble nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and alkaloids. On the other hand, the sugars, amino acids, polyphenols, and caffeine are important ingredients in taste of the tea. In addition, the optimal brewing temperature of the Taiwan tea, where Sanxia district green tea is "80˚C", the Oriental Beauty oolong tea is "80˚C~85˚C", the Wenshan Pouchong oolong tea is "80˚C~90˚C" or "90˚C ~100˚C", the Taiwan Alpine oolong tea is "95˚C~100˚C", the Dongding Oolong tea is "100˚C", the Mucha Iron Goddess oolong tea is "100˚C", and the Sun Moon Lake black tea is "100˚C", respectively." This study hopes to sort out new ideas in Taiwan tea culture, taste, nutrition and environmental thinking.
