  • 期刊


A nursing experience of caring an open tuberculosis patient during the isolation


本文描述一位開放性肺結核病人隔離期間之護理經驗,護理期間自2014 年10 月10日至12 月10 日,藉由直接照護、傾聽、觀察、會談、身體評估等方式收集資料, 並運用Gordon十一項健康功能評估,確立健康問題為體溫過高、呼吸道清除功能失效、營養少於身體所需、焦慮。照護期間主動關心病人以建立友善護病關係,藉由發燒衛教影片,強化病人面對疾病,學習自我照護能力,教導有效咳嗽技巧及噘嘴式呼吸,幫助痰液排出緩解呼吸不適症狀,針對藥物副作用偕同營養師調配個別性飲食計畫,以克服營養不足情形,在隔離病房內提供運動腳踏車,藉由運動讓病人轉移注意力緩解焦慮。透過醫療團隊共同照護,向病人清楚說明疾病進展,提高復原信心,期望藉此護理經驗分享,讓臨床護理人員的照護延伸至肺結核病家庭,以獲得更完善的護理品質。


This article described the nursing experience what a patient of open pulmonary tuberculosis. During the nursing period from October 10 to December 10, 2014, we evaluated the patient’s health status by Gordon 11 Function Health Pattern and also analyzed the data objectively and subjectively. The patient really had hyperthermia, anxiety, dysfunction of self-cleaning ability of respiratory tract and malnutrition. During the nursing period, we concerned the patient spontaneously to make good relationship between doctors and patient. With health education videos about fever, the patient was educated about self- care, the best way to cough, the ability of pouting breathing and nutrition plan. We also offered bicycles to help patient relieving anxiety. By combine care, we shared the patient’s experience of nursing and educated about the process of disease. So, we could offer better quality of nursing between the TB patient with their family.
