  • 期刊


Ethics of Life in the 21(superscript st) Century


當前人類的困境,在於缺乏對於生命意義與價值的瞭解及倫理道德方面的堅定信念。其實,人生存在天地間,有與生俱來的內在、外在及超越性的倫理關係,它是人類倫理規範之基礎,也是人永續發展的基本的原則。 人類不可能選擇滅種的命運、每一個民族都需要生存與發展、經濟應以謀取最大多數人的幸福為目的。經由科技、經濟、政治及現代文明所朔造的世界,需要一個具有約束力的價值觀及終極理想,使人類在倫理意識上達成共識,由共識達到覺醒,並因著這份覺醒,帶來普世的改變。因此生命倫理應當是二十一世紀人類應有的人文思維。


The basic predicament that all humans face is the difficulty in finding meaning and value to their life and in finding a firm ethical faith. However, it is a fact that in the world around us there are many innate ethical relationships that form the foundation of human ethics. These inherent relationships are the basic guiding factors that influence every person's continuous ethical development. Despite the existence of these guiding factors around us everywhere, and that the majority of the population of the world would like to seek happiness for all mankind, there are still many contradictory outcomes such as genocide that occur without decreasing frequency through time. Perhaps these contradictory phenomena are simply the result of nations and economies need for survival and development as opposed to those needs of the individual. If science and technology, economy, politics and modern civilization, from the first day of the lunar month, could reach a common understanding and endeavor to reach an ultimate ideal, then perhaps mankind itself could reach a common understanding about ethical consciousness. In this way mankind could awaken to a new century of ethical understanding and the general practice of humane thought.
