  • 期刊

體驗行銷之研究:以"EASY SHOP"概念店為例

The Study of Experimental Marketing: The Case of "EASY SHOP"


當一切事物皆以速成及虛擬的方式無孔不入的方式進入你我的生活圈時,大家開始慢慢的懷念以前那種親自動手做的成覺,這也証明了物極必返的道理,讓大家願意返樸歸真去享受親身體驗所帶來的樂趣,因此,目前是「體驗行銷」當道的日子,企業唯有研擬能夠抓住消費者瞬間感動的行銷手法得以勝出。本研究以台灣內衣產業的另類通路-「EASY SHOP」概念店為研究對象,利用Schmitt在體驗行銷所發展出之「策略體驗模組」五個構面-感官、情感、思考、行動及關聯來探討「EASY SHOP」所傳達之舒適、愉快、無壓力之環境是否為消費者所接受。因此,除了針對業者進行深度訪談以了解其所欲傳達給消費者之訊息外,本研究亦針對消費者部份進行問卷調查以了解此另類消費情境對其消費行為之影響,最後發現消費者之消費行為皆會受此五構面之影響,其中又以受到情感體驗的影響最大,因此,「EASY SHOP」以強調寬大、舒適的購物空間來吸引消費者上門,進而搭配感官、思考、行動及關聯體驗來誘導消費者消費。


As the environment around us appears by the ways of fast moving and virtual interactions, many people have started to memorize the feeling of hand made products. This evidences the concept of ”Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.” People would then prefer the enjoyment brought by own experience. Therefore, experimental marketing is hot in these days. Business can only outperform others by catching up the very short emotions of consumers. The objective of this research is focus on the specific channel of women underwear-EASY SHOP. Based on the strategic experimental model evolved by Schmitt. Five dimensions-sense, feel, think, act and relate were structured to study EASY SHOP. The main purpose is to explore whether the environment of this store is accepted by consumers. Aside from the in-depth interviews with companies, this research also adopted questionnaire to explore whether these dimensions affect consumer's behavior. Findings suggest that the impact of feel plays the most important role of all. Therefore, EASY SHOP has successfully attracted customers by a comfortable shopping environment. Based on this, other dimensions were also used to attract consumption.


王晏翎(2013)。以方法目的鏈探討Lounge Bar之體驗價值〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2013.00007
