  • 期刊


Exploration on Activity Planning for End Stage of Life by Using Method of ISM




It is a taboo subject for ethnic Chinese to plan terminal activities during the end stage of one's life, not to mention planning it concretely. Speaking of the death issue, one who born in earth must to face and conquer this subject in the end stage of life. People should choose positive concept instead of negative one. In this way, people could leave without any regretful . Consequently, it is important to explore the activity planning and evaluate criteria for ones in the end stage of life. Firstly, the methods of secondary data analysis and semi-structured in-depth interviews are applied to collect research data in this research. Secondly, the analysis tool of Atlas.ti which authorized by ground theory is used to code and extract the key words as well as the 5W1H is used to analyzed and innovated the concept of the end stage of life respectively. Finally, the terminal planning such as terminal activity, belongings and the ceremony could not only be analyzed by interpretive structural modeling (ISM), but the evaluated criteria of aspiration & contentment , ceremony & activity and terminal planning are also could be got ten by cluster analysis. The recommendat ions could be referenced by whom may be concerned.


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