  • 期刊


An Approach for Identifying Critical Usability Problems Based on ISM and AHP


本研究旨在發展一個可以釐清使用性核心問題的方法,並驗證其有效性。所謂的使用性問題指的是產品讓使用者感受到不好用的地方。J. Dewey曾指出,界定出一個好的問題等於解決了一半的問題。若真正的使用性問題能被掌握並妥善地改進,則產品成功的機會必然會大增。這突顯出掌握真正的使用性問題對產品成功的重要性,本文稱之為「核心使用性問題釐清法(An Approach for Identifying Critical Usability Problems,簡稱AICUP)」。此AICUP是包含「5W1H」、「詮釋性結構(Interpretive Structural Modeling,ISM)」以及「層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)」等技術的一種使用性問題調查法。本研究以助行器為例,驗證AICUP的有效性。驗證結果顯示,AICUP確實具有能將使用性問題之不同重要性的階層關係加以釐清的功用,可以讓設計師掌握真正的產品使用性問題並加以改進。因此,證明了AICUP乃為一項有效的方法。


ISM AHP 使用性問題


This study aims to develop a method that can clarify critical usability problems and to verify the effectiveness of this method. Usability problem" refers to the points where a product make users feel inconvenient or uncomfortable in use. J. Dewey has pointed out that a problem well specified is half solved. If the real usability problems can be grasped and properly improved, the chances of product success will be increased greatly. This highlights the importance of pinpointing critical usability problems. This study intends to propose a method that can clarify real usability problems, which is named as critical usability problems finding approach (AICUP)". AICUP is a method for surveying usability problems which has included "5W1H", "Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)" and "Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)" techniques. In this survey, a walker was used as a sample for verifying the effectiveness of AICUP. The test results show that AICUP is indeed effective in clarifying the hierarchical relationship of different importance of usability issues, allowing designers to grasp the real product usability issues and improve them. Therefore, this study has preliminarily verified the effectiveness of AICUP.


ISM AHP usability problem


鄧振源、曾國雄,1989,層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與應用(上),中國統計學報,第27卷,第6期 ,13707-13724
鄧振源、曾國雄,1989,層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與應用(下),中國統計學報,第27卷,第7期 ,13767-13870
Alexander, T., 1987, John Dewey's Theory of Art, Experience, and Nature, SUNY Press.
Bhushan, N.and Kanwal, R., 2004, Strategic Decision Making: Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process. London: Springer-Verlag.
