  • 期刊

The Predictive Power of Age and Nonverbal Short-term Memory for Phonological Processing Ability





Being psycholinguistic in nature, this study explored the predictive relationship between nonverbal short-term memory (STM) and English phonological processing for Chinese-speaking children. It as well attempted to determine the joint power of age and STM in forecasting the ability of phonological processing. Subjects were 27 six-graders from an elementary school at a mountain area in eastern Taiwan. They took the Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-Ⅲ), the Chinese version. This subtest, judged to be discriminatorily powerful in evaluating nonverbal STM, contained two parts of forward and backward span. The subjects were also administered four phonological measures which tapped their knowledge or skill at different levels: Phoneme Counting Task (PCT), Onset Oddity Task (OOT), Rhyme Oddity Task (ROT), and Syllable Doubling Task (SDT). The research data were analyzed using both the simple and the multiple regression paradigms. Simple regression analyses demonstrated a weak predictive power of nonverbal STM over the performance on the PCT, the OOT, the ROT, and the SDT. The R values, in a proper order, were 0.220, 0.235, 0.445, and 0.305 respectively. As for the joint predictive power of age and STM was concerned, multiple regression analyses indicated an effect at a small scale. The R values were 0.225, 0.267, 0.456, and 0.306 in the case wherein the two variables predicted the PCT, the OOT, the ROT, and the SDT. The slight change of R values suggested that adding age as an independent variable would not greatly improve the predictive power of STM.


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