  • 期刊


The Study of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Complex Restaurant franchise-An Example of the Tainan


近幾年來在外用餐之人口有逐年增加的趨勢,而且隨著顧客消費水準及休閒概念的提升,因此複合式餐飲連鎖店如雨後春筍的林立,而且專業的服務與產品的品質、滿足顧客的需求將成爲複合式餐飲連鎖店經營成敗的關鍵。本研究旨在於探討複合式餐飲連鎖店服務品質與顧客滿意度之影響因素,分析服務品質與滿意程度的多寡及相關性;或許透過此研究可作爲業者在日後行銷策略上的參考。本研究將以問卷調查研究方式,將所有複合式餐飲連鎖店爲施測主體,採用便利抽樣,而以台南縣市社會大眾爲研究對象,進行抽樣調查。並使用次數、百分比、平均數、標準差、因素分析、相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定分析及單因子變異數(One-Way ANOVA)分析,以α檢定數值爲0.05以SPSS 10.1 for windows進行統計考驗。研究結果顯示: 一因素分析服務品質因素構面爲「服務能力」、「舒適服務」;顧客滿意度因素構面爲「環境衛生」、「餐點配置」。 二、複合式餐飲連鎖店之「服務品質」與「顧客滿意度」變數間以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson Correlation Coefficients)表示之問的相關程度,在「服務品質」與「顧客滿意度」「之因素呈現顯著正相關。 三、獨立樣本t檢定分析性別在「服務品質」二個構面上,結果呈現達顯著水準;在「顧客滿意度」二個構面上,結果未達顯著水準。 四、單因子變異數分析不同顧客教育程度在「服務品質」之構面「服務能力」及「顧客滿意度」之構面「餐點配置」達顯著水準。


The trend that population dined out in the last few years have to increase year by year, and consume level and leisure concept increase by customer. Thus, complex restaurant franchise goes to grow profusely and quickly like a forest. Also, professional service, quality of product and satisfy of customer need and want will be the key point of success or failure in complex restaurant franchise. The purposes of this article were to understand the service quality situation, looked for factor effect service quality, and explored the relation between service quality and customer satisfaction in chain of compound style restaurant. The research was used questionnaire to investigate customer satisfaction and analyzed data from SPSS 10.1 for windows. The results were expressed. by frequency, percentage, standard deviation, average analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, t-test and One-Way ANOVA analysis, α=0.05. The results of this study were as follow: 1. The dimension of factors of service quality were ”service ability” and ”comfortable service”; the dimension of factors of customer satisfaction were ”environment sanitation” and ”meals design”. 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients were utilized to demonstrate the relationship between every variance. The factors of ”service quality” and ”customer satisfaction” were apparently positive related. 3. Under t-test analysis, the dimension of factors of service quality were ”service ability” and ”comfortable service”, there was significant difference of gender difference. The dimension of factors of customer satisfaction was no significant difference of gender difference. 4. All variances operated by One-Way ANOVA in the area of the factors of service quality and customer satisfaction indicated that education difference in ”service ability” and ”meals design” was significant difference; another factors were no significant difference.




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