  • 期刊


An Assessment of Co-development between Leisure Farms and Ecotourism in Taiwan: A Study on Six Certified Farms


休閒農業乃結合農業生產、農產加工、農村文化及遊憩服務四大層面發展的新興產業。由於目前休閒農場的經營者,多於主觀強調休閒產業在現今社會需求的優勢性,往往忽略農場本身原有的自然地景,使得遊客不易連結本土休閒農業與自然環境間之共同發展關係,以致很難在遊客心目中建立深刻的印象。所以,農場經營業者,如何對該農場本身所具備的自然資源及人文特色和消費者需求作一明確的連結,並找出能夠表現該農場的「生態賣點」,以吸引特定遊客群到訪及從事「對環境友善」的旅遊活動(environment-friendly tourism),此乃爲欲同時兼顧「休閒產業」與「環境保育」的人們所關切的議題。 本研究選定國內合格設立之六家休閒農場-三春老樹、座腳所在、君達香草健康世界、福田園教育休閒農場、高巢森活及綠世界生態農場,藉由實地訪察及自行發展之評量問卷進行調查,瞭解各休閒農場在理論與實務應用上與生態旅遊之間的共生關係。依據各農場自評與研究者共評對照分析的結果發現,大多數農場在「經營管理制度」與「符合遊客預期體驗」二項目標表現較爲良善;在「帶動經濟繁榮」及「社區回饋機制」方面表現持中;而對於「宣揚傳統文化」、「遊客承載量管制」、「長期監測計畫」及「節省能源使用」四項則表現相對較弱。綜觀之,休閒農業在政府相關法令及輔導施行措施上堪稱完備,但其功能融合生態原則與保育規範則顯得薄弱。因此本研究最後係針對休閒農場在生態旅遊推行不力之處提出建議。


Leisure farming has developed as a new trend of business by incorporating four themes on agricultural productions, agricultural manufacture, community culture, and recreational services. Often, most of leisure farm managers in Taiwan pay their attention on what the public wants instead of what a specific farm in nature shall provide, as a result of that tourists are hardly impressed by each of the farms they had visited. For this reason, a practical connection between natural and cultural resources possessed by leisure farms and their tourists is required. And, it is advantageous that leisure farms could identify their-own-distinct 'ecological features” as part of marketing strength for attracting selected tourists to visit and bring out their behaviors toward environment-friendly tourism. By means of participatory observation and self-developed questionnaire data collected from six certified chosen leisure farms in Taiwan, five major scales of constructs were measured: business development, community benefits, environmental resources, environmental conservation, and quality of recreation. Qualitative analyses were performed to recognize strength and weakness of those selected leisure farms while conducting so-called ecotourism. The major findings were concluded as follows: most of the farms were found of having good performances on 'strategic management' and 'satisfaction of tourist's needs'. Two indicators on 'development of local economy' and 'mechanism of community feedback' were at a fair level conducted by the farms. 'Advocate of traditional culture', 'control of tourism carrying capacity', 'environmental monitoring', and 'saving use of energy' were the four indicators showed relatively weak. In summary, government policies and guidance in Taiwan for promotion of leisure farms were well developed, but the requirements on ecological criteria were relatively weak. Implications for future practices in conducting ecotourism were suggested.


