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The Depiction and Commentary of Jiujing Yunzheng and 19 Ancient Rhyme Categories




The Jiujing Yunzheng(九經韻證)of Wan Guangtai's(萬光泰)is the first book about ancient rhyming pattern in Qing dynasty, which is several decades earlier than Duan Yucai (段玉裁) and Wang Niansun's (王念孫) works, and has significant documentary and academic value. This book is based of Shijing (詩經) mainly, groups the rhyming word in the Collected Classics, with making a careful and detailed analysis, it divide the ancient rhyme into 19 categories, such as the separate of Zhi(支), Zhi(脂) and Zhi(之), the separate of Zhen(真), Wen(文) and Yuan(元), the separate of Yu(魚) and Hou(侯), the separate of Xiao(蕭) and Xiao(宵), the Zhi(至), Wei(未) and Fei(廢) separated from Zhi(脂), these discoveries are all earlier than Duan Yucai, Wang Niansun and Jiang Yougao(江有誥), has great significance in the academic history of Qing Dynasty. This book analyses the rhymes of Shijing compactly, so it is still an important reference to current study of Shijing's ancient rhyme. In the basis of describes the contents of the book presentation, this paper focusing on the important inventions about 19 ancient rhyme categories of it.
