  • 期刊


Hepatoprotective Effects of the Folk Medicines of "Yan-Kan-Tang No.1" and "Yan-Kan-Tang No.2" on Rats


由行政院農業委員會農業試驗所生產九種臺灣民間常用的保肝草藥,分別以全株或根為材料組成養肝湯1號及2號複方,經水煎、濃縮及冷凍乾燥所得凍晶粉末產率22.06%,以口服300及500 mg kg^(-1)二種劑量,分別進行對位乙醯氨基酚acetaminophen (APAP) 500 mg kg^(-1)劑量誘發大鼠急性肝炎之保肝效果評估,結果顯示,經口服養肝湯1 號300 mg kg^(-1) bw劑量後注射APAP,體內出現顯著保肝的效果,其SGOT及SGPT值(U L^(-1)),分別低於APAP組與silymarin保肝藥劑組,差異達5%顯著水準。此情形續經肝切片檢查發現,口服養肝湯1號300mg kg^(-1) bw劑量24hr後,經注射APAP之大鼠肝臟中央區出血(centrizonal hemorrhagic)、壞死及淋巴球(lymphocytes)與kupffer細胞的聚集,引起發炎等現象出現明顯抑制。對大鼠肝急毒性(LD50)評估上,發現對大鼠之口服急毒性之LD50值大於10 g kg^(-1) bw,口服急毒性等級屬『正常使用時無毒性(unlikely to present hazard in normal use)』。


The folk medicines of ”Yan-Kan-Tang No.1 (YKT No.1)” and ”Yan-Kan-Tang No.2 (YKT No.2)” were made of nine different crude drugs collected from Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Medicinal Garden, Wufeng, Taiwan. The effective portions of these crude drugs were either roots or whole plants. The concentrated powder was made from aqueous extracts of the crude drugs, with the recovery rate of 22.06%, and was used to feed the rats for evaluating its hepatoprotective effect. Two different doses, 300 and 500 mg kg^(-1 )bw, were given separately before the acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity occurred at dose of 500 mg kg^(-1) bw, and then the activities of transaminases of SGOT and SGPT (U L^(-1)) in rats were significantly decreased after the treatment with YKT No.1 at the rat of 300 mg kg^(-1) relative to those of the acetaminophen and silymarin-treat group. The morphological changes in the hepatic tissue were evident. Symptoms appeared from slight to moderate in focal vacuolization of centrilobular hepatocytes, in broad inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes, and in appearance of kupffer cells around the central vein in the liver of rats treated with acetaminophen. For an oral toxicity study of YKT No.1, it indicated that the acute oral LD50 was greater than 10 g kg^(-1) bw in rats, suggesting that the oral dose used for this study caused no hazardous effect to mammalians.
