  • 期刊


Effect of Curing and Hot Water Treatment on the Storage of Sweet Potato


甘藷新鮮塊根的不耐貯藏是產業急需解決的問題,如何延長其貯藏能力及減少貯藏期間鮮藷塊根的耗損係本研究的主要目的。試驗發現影響甘藷採後鮮藷塊根貯藏耗損的原因,主要是機械採收造成塊根斷裂及表皮受傷引起傷口褐化的外觀劣變,以及水分散失而造成鮮重減少,即塊根失重,此外病蟲害亦會造成貯藏期間耗損。塊根貯藏前利用癒傷處理且置於相對濕度較高的控溫環境,即32℃、90% RH(relative humidity)、7天癒傷處理,之後移入15℃、90% RH控溫室處理,對甘藷表皮外觀較有利,對失重率影響不顯著但明顯能降低鮮藷貯藏病害之耗損。另50至60℃溫湯處理對甘藷造成熱傷害,45℃浸泡5、10、15 min對降低鮮藷耗損有改善趨勢。甘藷貯藏期間鮮藷失重率與病害耗損在品種間有顯著差異,不同產地來源之鮮藷塊根耗損率差異大,可能是受土壤病原菌及田間管理影響。


The objective of this study was to investigate different postharvest handling treatments on the results of the storage of sweet potatoes. It showed that loss of fresh weight of sweet potato after storage was attributed to mechanical damage of roots, skin injury and disease infection. The curing treatment by storing at conditions of 32℃ and 90% RH (relative humidity) for 7 days and then moved to 15℃ and 90% RH for the storage would improve the appearance of sweet potato skin and significantly reduce the storage loss caused by diseases. Treatment of hot water (50-60℃) on sweet potato led to thermal injury, while immersing into 45℃ water for 5, 10 and 15 minutes reduced weight loss by disease infection after storage. The loss of fresh weight of sweet potato varied in samples harvested from different production areas, suggesting that soil pathogens and field management practices may play a role in affecting the quality of sweet potato.


