  • 期刊


Changes of Agronomic Traits, Yield and Grain Quality in Salt-tolerant Rice Lines under Salinity Stress


為探討鹽分逆境對水稻產量及米質之影響,本研究以CNY1031130、CWY981124、CWY981126與CWY981128等4個疊氮化鈉及ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)誘變的耐鹽品系,以及對照品種台稉2號(Taikeng 2, TK2)為材料,於水稻最高分蘗期至抽穗期間以電導度8 dS m^(-1)的鹽水灌溉模擬鹽分逆境進行產量試驗。結果顯示,在鹽分逆境栽培模式下,會有株高矮化、提早抽穗、稻穀產量及產量構成要素降低的現象,另外,糙米率、白米率、完整米率及味度值亦有下降現象,而粗蛋白含量則明顯增加。糙米外觀品質如白堊質率會受到鹽分逆境影響而增加,糙米厚度則有減少現象。此外,鹽分逆境栽培模式下的稻穀產量表現結果可發現,以耐鹽品系CNY1031130產量表現最高,與正常慣行栽培模式相比,減產51.41%,CWY981124及CWY981126表現次之,分別減產65.81%及72.87%,顯示此3個耐鹽品系在模擬鹽化土壤條件下具有較高的耐鹽性。在品質方面,此3個耐鹽品系的碾米品質及粗蛋白質含量受到鹽分逆境的影響皆顯著較對照品種TK2為低,故此3個耐鹽品系可進一步發展為未來因應氣候變遷衝擊時,所需耐鹽品種選育之參考。


水稻 耐鹽品系 稻穀產量 米質


In order to know the effects of salt adversity to grain yield and its quality of rice, four sodium azide (NaN_3) and ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS)- mutagenized salt tolerant lines, CNY1031130, CWY981124, CWY981126 and CWY981128, and control variety, Taikeng 2 (TK2), were used to investigate the changes of yield and grain quality under salinity stress. Performance of rice growth and quality in this experiment were evaluated in the salt-artificially affected fields where electrical conductivity was irrigated at 8 dS m^(-1) to imitate the salinity stress from maximum tilling stage to heading stage. Results showed that salinity stress significantly reduced plant height and heading days of rice. Grain yield and its yield components were significantly reduced under salinity stress. Moreover, milling yield of brown rice, total milled rice, head rice, and palatability had reduced respectively. However, crude protein content was significantly increased. In addition, the rate of occurrence in brown rice appearance quality, such as chalky kernels, was increased by the salinity stress. In contrast, kernel thickness was reduced under salinity stress. Growing salt tolerant lines under salinity stress condition showed that CNY1031130 had the highest grain yield compared to the others. The salt tolerance of the performance in CWY981124 and CWY981126 were both listed second. Compared to normal condition, the grain yield of CNY1031130, CWY981124 and CWY981126 were reduced 51.41%, 65.81%, and 72.87%, respectively. Thus, these three salt tolerant lines had more salt tolerance in simulated salty soil. On the other hand, the effect of salinity stress in milling quality and crude protein content of CNY1031130, CWY981124 and CWY981126 were significantly lower than control variety, TK2. Overall, these three salt tolerant lines were potential candidates to rice breeding program of selecting salt tolerant varieties to cope with salinity stress under changing climates in the future.


Rice Salt tolerant lines Grain yield Grain quality
