  • 期刊


The Preliminary Study of Corpus Literacy Training for In-service Chinese Language Teachers


語料驅動學習外語的方法在歐美課堂中已經實際應用多年,但這個方式在漢語做為外語的教學中才剛起步。究其原因,語料驅動的教學法對華語教師有一定的門檻,教師需要熟悉語料庫、語料庫工具、檢索技巧以及應用到教學的活動設計等等。為了培養教師擁有語料庫素養,本研究設計了一個12個小時針對在職教師的培訓課程,總共有73位在職華語教師參加。課程包括介紹相關的華語語料庫、教授基本和進階的檢索技巧、介紹與使用語料庫分析工具(AntConc, Sketch Engine)、語料呈現方法與教學設計。全部課程結束後請參加者匿名填寫問卷,問卷由39題李克特量表問題和4題開放性問題組成,本研究將這些問題分為7類:「參與課程的動機」、「課前相關先備知識」、「課後對操作語料庫的能力」、「對語料庫的負面態度」、「執行、設計DDL教學活動的能力」、「未來在課程中應用DDL教學法的可能性」、「對整體課程的評價」,使用R studio以斯皮爾曼等級相關係數檢定之間的相關性,從檢定分析可知,不論教師的參與動機高低,皆能透過課程內容建立操作語料庫的能力與信心;課前擁有相關先備知識、擁有較佳語料庫操作能力的教師,未來應用DDL的可能性越高。結果顯示,擁有語料庫的操作能力是將語料庫應用於教學的關鍵,建議未來可以持續進行相關培訓。


The data-driven learning (DDL) approach has been applied in learning English for over a decade. However, corpus-based pedagogy has not been widely applied to Chinese as a second language (CSL) teaching, the main reason may bethat CSL teachers are relatively lacking corpus literacy, such as familiarity with corpus tools, corpus consulting techniques, corpus-based pedagogical activities, etc. To cultivate corpus literacy and promote DDL application in future classrooms, 73 CSL teachers participated in a 4-week, 3-hour/week DDL training workshop. The workshop was divided into four topics: the introduction to Chinese corpora, corpus consulting techniques, hands-on training for corpus analysis tools (e.g. AntConc), and pedagogical designs or activities for guiding learners in inducting or deducting rules from corpus data. After the workshop, a post-workshop questionnaire consisting of 39 Likert scale questions and four open-ended questions was distributed to participants. The 36 quantitative questions were divided into seven variables that reflect the traits of the participants. These variables were self-evaluations of their (1) motivations for participating in the workshop, (2) prior knowledge of corpora, (3) skills toward using corpora after the workshop, (4) negative perceptions of adopting corpora in teaching, (5) skills to implement and design DDL activities, (6) willingness to adopt corpus-based methods in future teaching, and (7) evaluation of the workshop. The results of Spearman's rank-order correlation test indicated that regardless of the level of motivation of the teachers to attend the workshop, they could build corpus-related abilities through lectures and practice; and teachers who had more prior knowledge of corpora and with greater confidence in their skills to operate corpora, the more likely to perform DDL teaching activities in their future classrooms. These results suggest that cultivating teachers' corpus literacy is effective, and continually offering training courses can facilitate implementing the corpus-based approach in the future.


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