  • 期刊


The Study of Teachers' Classroom Management and Students' Learning Motivation in Junior High Schools


本研究旨在了解國中教師班級經營與學生學習動機現況,並探討二者之相關情形。研究對象為954名國中生,根據受試者在「班級經營效能量表」與「中學生自我調整學習量表」之「動機量表」的得分進行統計分析。研究結果發現: 一、國中教師班級經營除「班級常規」較差外,其餘屬於良好程度。 二、男生知覺教師班級經營「結構指導」程度高於女生。 三、一年級學生知覺教師班級經營「關懷導引」程度最高,二年級次之,三年級最低。三年級學生知覺教師班級經營「未來生活指導」程度最高,一年級次之,二年級最低。 四、都市地區學生知覺教師班級經營「常規管教」程度高於鄉鎮地區學生。 五、國中生一方面具有積極正向的學習動機,但另一方面其「負向情感」與「考試焦慮」程度也較高。 六、女生學習動機之「自貶憂學」程度高於男生。 七、一年級學生學習動機之「積極向學態度」最高,二年級次之,三年級最低。 八、不同學校所在地區學生的學習動機並無顯著差異。 九、國中教師班級經營主要透過「正向人際導引-正向學習態度」這組典型因素之關係影響學生學習動機。 本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出各項建議供教育與輔導實務,以及未來研究之參考。


班級經營 國中生 學習動機


The study is concerned about the current situation of teachers' classroom management and students' learning motivation in junior high schools. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers' classroom management and students' learning motivation. The Questionnaire Survey Method is adopted in the research. By Multistage Stratified Cluster Random Sampling, 954 junior high school students in Taiwan area were selected as the subjects of this study. The instruments used in this study ate the ”Classroom Management Effectiveness Scale” and the ”Motivation Scale” of the ”Self-Regulated Learning Inventory (SRLI)”. With the application of software of SPSS 10.0 for Windows, all the data from the questionnaire survey is analyzed with the descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, Discriminate Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis. The conclusions of this research are stated as follows: 1. The situation of teachers' classroom management is good and acceptable, only the management of class ruling is performed poorly. 2. Gender differences in students' perception of teachers' classroom management indicated that male students perceived higher teachers' ”class ruling” than female students. 3. Grade differences are found in students 'perception of teachers' classroom management. First, the junior high school students of the 1st grade are reported to perceive the most teachers' ”caring guidance,” the 2nd grade students are reported as the next, and the 3rd grade students are reported to perceive the least teachers' ”caring guidance.” Second, the 3rd grade students are reported to perceive the most teachers' ”future-life guidance,” the 1st grade students are reported as the next, and the 2nd grade students are reported as the least. 4. School location differences in students' perception of teachers' classroom management indicated that students living in urban area perceived higher teachers' ”classroom rules management” than those living in rural area ligh and positiwe. 5. The learning motivation of the students in junior high was positive and active. But at the same time, students are reported to have higher ”test anxiety” and ”negative affect.” 6. Gender differences in students' learning motivation indicated that female students are reported to lave higher ”abasement and confidentlessness” than male students. 7. Grade showed significant differences in students' learning motivation. The 1st grade students reported the highest ”positive learning attitude,” the 2nd grade students are reported as the next, and the 3rd grade students are reported as the least ”positive learning attitude.” 8. School location showed no significant differences in students' learning motivation. 9. Teachers' classroom management affected students' learning motivation mainly through the canonical factor of ”positive interpersonal guidance-positive learning attitude.” Based on the above results, discussions and suggestions are provided to the educational authorities, junior high school teachers, the school guidance and counseling staff or teachers, and future research.




