  • 期刊


On Applying Web-Based Virtual Learning to Courses Repeated by Vocational High School Students



本研究旨在探究高職重補修教學現況、網路式虛擬學習應用於高級職業學校重補修科目之教學策略及對學生學習之有效性。研究首先探討高職重補修教學的實施、虛擬學習及網路教學策略等相關文獻。其次依據文獻分析所得結果,建構「高職重補修教學現況」調查表、及「高級職業學校重補修科目網路式虛擬學習教學策略」問卷初稿,並經專家會議與問卷試填等程序修正定稿。 「高職重補修教學現況」調查係針對89學年度188所高職學校的教務行政主管進行普查,結果顯示平均每校每學期實際開設38個重補修科目,且平均半數以上採自學輔導的方式實施教學,更有九成以上重補修教學非於平常日間上課時間實施;「高級職業學校重補修科目網路式虛擬學習教學策略」問卷則針對高職試辦學年學分制達三年以上的30所高職學校的教師及具有重補修經驗的學生進行調查,結果顯示填答問卷的師生在認知上、態度上、及學校電腦網路設備的現況上大部份偏向支持「網路式虛擬學習」的教學活動,並認為運用「網路式虛擬學習」最能改善現行重補修上課時間與上課地點的限制,在高職重補修科目使用「網路式虛擬學習」的教學策略上則獲得十項較為主要的教學策略。 依據文獻及問卷分析的結果,進行實證性教學實驗。教學實驗的進行,首先選定一所虛擬教室教學系統建置較為完整的高職學校,進行各項教學實驗的連繫事宜,並擬定重補修教學科目、相關教材、實驗進度與流程、教學成果評量工具等事項,分實驗組與控制組採自學輔導法進行教學實驗,實驗組並配合本研究研擬之「網路式虛擬學習」教學策略實施教學,並以學前及學後的學習成就測驗、及實驗組的學習滿意度,驗證網路式虛擬學習的教學成效。實驗結果顯示,「網路式虛擬學習」既可突破上課時間與空間的限制,達成重補修的教學成果,教學方式亦獲得師生的支持。 本研究結果獲得四項結論,並提出四項研究建議,以供學校實施重補修教學及後續研究之參考。


Web-based virtual learning overcomes time and space limitation in the traditional education system. It has been adopted for many educational systems in order to support distance education. Recently, web-based virtual learning has been proposed to apply to courses repeated of vocational high school students in Taiwan. However, web-based virtual learning has some drawbacks, such as lack of face-to-face communication, interactivity, and motivation for students. This research aimed to explore the status of courses repeated in vocational high schools, to abstract the strategies of applying web-based virtual learning to courses repeated by vocational high school students, and to find out its effectiveness for improving the web-based virtual learning for vocational high school students in Taiwan. Our research conducts literature reviews to analyze the current status of implementation of courses repeated in vocational high school, virtual learning and web-based instruction strategies. According to the results of literature reviews, an investigation table (i.e., the status of courses repeated in vocational high school) and the preliminary questionnaire (i.e., the instructional strategies of applying web-based virtual learning to courses repeated by vocational high school students) are drafted. The drafted questionnaire and investigation table are finalized after an experts' interview and a pilot test, respectively. The investigation tables were sent to all vocational high schools (188 in total) in the 89th academic year. The investigation results demonstrated that: 1) 38 courses repeated in average in each semester for every school; 2) more than half courses repeated by supervised study; and 3) more than 90% of courses repeated not executed by the ordinary day teaching time. The questionnaire was distributed to 30 vocational high schools, which carried out the credit system for more than three years. The analysis results from questionnaire revealed that: 1) students and teachers strongly support the application of web-based virtual learning to courses repeated from the opinion, attitude, and assessment of computer network equipment view points; and 2) they also believe the web-based virtual learning can improve the limitation of time and space in the traditional courses repeated. In addition, 10 instructional strategies for web-based virtual learning are summarized. Furthermore, the teaching experiment was executed with the results obtained from the literature reviews and questionnaire. A vocational high school, with well constructing virtual classroom system, was selected for the confirmatory experiment research. The selected school conducted teaching experiments on chosen courses, related teaching material, measurement tools, and etc. The courses repeated students were divided into the contrasting group and the experimental group. Both groups were adopted the supervised study. In addition, the experimental group was with the proposed instructional strategies of web-based virtual learning. The learning achievements and learning satisfaction of pre-test and post-test were compared between these two groups to find out the effectiveness of applying web-based virtual learning to courses repeated by vocational high school students. The conclusions of teaching experiment demonstrated that the web-based virtual learning not only overcomes time and space limitation for courses repeated, it can also reach the effective results of education through courses repeated, and it is widely accepted and welcomed by the teacher and the student. Finally, four conclusions are obtained and four recommendations for future work are made in this report for the improvement of applying web-based virtual learning to courses repeated by vocational high school students.
