  • 期刊


A Study of Analysis on Troubleshooting of Microcomputer Interface Technology



本研究為達成「探討介面技術故障檢修行為、分析影響故障檢修成就因素、分析不同先備知識受試者之檢修行為的差異性」等研究目的,首先從技術學院電子科學生中,實施介面技術先備知識測驗,依測驗成績分高低兩組,每組各選取13位學生,計有52位學生參與介面技術故障檢修測試。並以有聲思考法蒐集學生檢修的行為與歷程,同時利用錄音錄影方式,配合原案分析轉錄成文字,經編碼後輸入電腦,以SPSS/PC統計軟體分析獲得以下結論: 一、通過組與未通過組各類別所佔之百分比如下:(一)瞭解類別佔4.6%,(二)言十畫類別佔8.3%,(三)檢視類別佔41.6%,(四)執行類別佔39.2%。 二、影響成就之各項因素,依照分類等級可分為如下:(一)學習態度。(二)專業知識。(三)題意瞭解。(四)計畫能力。(五)自我監控能力。(六)經驗類比。(七)察覺問題徵候。(八)儀器使用。(九)問題剖析。(十)識圖能力。 三、不同先備知識之受試者,於下列兩項行為具有顯著性差異:(一)運用替換法:低先備知識組受試者出現的次數較高先備知識組受試者多,(二)IC測試器檢視:低先備知識組受試者較高先備知識組受試者所出現之次數最多。


The purpose of the study is to complete the following tasks: 1. to explore the troubleshooting behaviors of interface circuit system 2. to analyze the impact factors of troubleshooting success. 3. to analyze the different behaviors of the different prerequisite knowledge subjects. First of all, 52 subjects were recruited from the students in an electronic engineering department of technical college for the test of their prerequisite knowledge of interface electronic circuit. Next, the subjects were categorized into 4 groups by 13 students based on their test grades. Then, we use Thinking Aloud method to collect the data on the students' troubleshooting behaviors and process. With video recording tool, after translating and coding the data, we use spss/pc software to analyze the data. The conclusions are listed as follows: 1. We listed the passed and non-passed groups (1) categories of understanding behavior (4.6%), category of planning behavior (8.3%), category of inspecting behavior (41.6%), and category of executing behavior (39.2%). 2. The factors affecting achievement include: (1) the learning attitudes (2) professional knowledge (3) reading apprehension (4) the ability of planning (5) the ability of self-efficacy (6) experience analogy (7) the perception of question symptom (8) the ability of utilizing the instruments (9) the ability of problem analyzing (10) map reading. 3. The subjects with different prerequisite knowledge have significant differences on two behaviors: (1) Exchange different methods: low prerequisite knowledge subjects have higher times than high prerequisite knowledge subjects (2) IC detector inspection: low prerequisite knowledge subjects have higher times than high prerequisite knowledge subjects
