  • 期刊


The Description of Monks and Religious Rationale in Wu Jing Zi's Ru Lin Wai Shi




Religious activities had their social function, and although the original purpose of the monks' worldly engagement was to promote Buddhist thought, various ceremonies could increase the temple's income, serve and satisfy people's needs, and have the effects of reassuring people and enlightening the society. Ru Lin Wai Shi mainly depicted the phenomenon of scholar circle, but it also involved the description of the monks, especially those who served in the real world. This had somehting to do with Wu Jing Zi's constant failures in the imperial examination and long-term residence with vulgarized people, and accordingly it affected the readers' understanding of monks in the Ming and Ching Dynasties and even the Buddhism. It also made the reverence of Buddha and Dharma being questioned and challenged, but it came close to secular people's understanding of Buddhism. Wu Jing Zi discerned that the reason why Buddhism became depraved in the Ming Dynasty was that the sources of monks were complicated and their former vicious habits were not corrected, and it had nothing to do with the deficiency of religion's connotation. By means of two types of old and bad monks, it conveyed the arguement that kindness and evil would be repaid and it also expressed his perception that the mind of Buddha was merciful.


