  • 期刊


Analysis of Navigation Safety in Taiwanese Territorial Waters



海事事故常會引發航行上的意外,及危害人命與財產、污染海洋環境,甚至妨礙港埠營運。自1997年國際海事組織不斷提倡調查分析海事事故以找出其因果關係,進而助當權者擬定有關航安與海洋環保之政策規範。多數學者之研究重點於相異國籍船舶間的海事事故、船員死亡事故及船舶安全,而少數學者致力於研究港埠安全,尤在一國管轄水域之航行安全課題。從過往紀錄顯示海事事故主要發生於港埠管轄水域內及其鄰近水域,若欲降低其發生率,則港埠管轄水域之航行安全分析是不可或缺的。 本文主旨為調查我國管轄水域之航行安全現況並提出建議以加強各港之航行安全。在文中將1992年至2003年間我國各商港之海事事故紀錄加以分析,並確立了六項水域安全的指標,透過灰色關聯分析法分析後,發現花蓮港與台中港之航行安全優於基隆港與高雄港。最後,藉由徹底的回顧事故報告,並與港務機關首長及海事專家學者晤談,揭示出一些我國商港所遭遇到的憂慮,並提供一些建議以鞏固港埠航行安全。


Marine incidents usually bring casualties in the navigation, and consequently danger peoples' life and property, contaminate the ocean environment, and encumber ports' operation. Since 1997, the International Maritime Organization has advocated investigating and analyzing marine incidents in order to find the cause-effect relationship for benefiting authorities in making marine policies and regulations for navigation safety and ocean environment protection. Many researchers have studied on issues of marine casualties in different flags, seamen fatalities, and ferries safety. However, little research has been devoted to the port security, especially the field of navigation safety within a country's territorial waters. Past records showed that marine incidents have occurred mostly on and near the territorial waters of ports. Hence, the navigation safety analysis of territorial waters of ports is essential to reduce marine casualties. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the present navigation safety in Taiwanese territorial waters and make suggestions to strengthen the navigation safety of ports. In this paper, we analyze the marine incident records of each Taiwan's commercial port from 1992 to 2003, and identify six indicators that can reveal the safety of waters. The Grey Relationship Analysis methodology is also applied to rank the navigation safety orders of each commercial port; we find that the navigation safety of Port Hualien and Port Taichung are better than that of Port Keelung and Port Kaohsiung. Finally, through thoroughly reviewing incident reports and interviewing with the managers of port authorities and marine specialists, we reveal some apprehensions encountered by Taiwan's commercial ports, and provide some suggestions to strengthen the navigation safety of ports.
