  • 期刊


Industrial Introduction Policy of Kaohsiung's Free Trade Zone: An Argumentative Analysis



本文運用William Dunn政策論證模型進行高雄港自由貿易港區「產業引進-廠商投資意願」政策之論證分析,藉由「鑑古知今」的回溯性政策分析,探討政策目標、事實、價值等應然面與實然面之主客論證的基礎及立場,供政策研究或政策制定之參考。 本文的研究命題為「政府對於高雄港自由貿易港區之產業引進政策,採取『政策主導企業活動』的政策制定,有助於未來港埠競爭力的提升」,分析結果顯示,政府在制定執行自由貿易港區政策時,應該依據廠商投資意願之評估準則,強化港埠的人流、物流、金流以及資訊流,才能夠有助於未來港埠競爭力的提升。惟政府對於國家整體經濟發展與海運政策的資源整合,須具備長期性的前瞻規劃,更應配合政府改造工程,落實自由貿易港區的產業引進與提昇港埠競爭力之良法美意。


The policy argument model from William Dunn which is utilized for performing argumentative analysis approach as an example of the Free Trade Zone at Kaohsiung (FTZK) concerning ”industrial introduction with enterprise investment intention” on this article, it's fully applied a retrospective policy analysis as ”Know-How Throughout the Ages”, explores specified basis and stance of objective-subjective argument for both ”what it is” and ”what it should be” aspects of policy target; fact and merit, will be provided to referring for the policy research or policy making. Having proposition can be especially set what ”An industrial introduction policy of FTZK was adopted the policy making as 'from government policy leading to enterprise action', to be useful in promoting next harbor competition”. The analysis as result is that regardless of government must effectively strengthens improving measures as for labor resource; administrative efficiency; market scale; shipping density and so on, it might has been promoted coming harbor competition in useful. Whereas, due to integrated resource of whole national economic development and harbor policy from government, which must be possessed perspective planning for a long term, excepts to a consideration of ruling part's benefit, reinforces to administrative performance of existing organization, and extremely executes it. The following three kinds of research appearance sprawl onto policy argument theory. First, continuously leverages homogeneous and heterogeneous argument models to progress proven test to obtain plausible outcome or consensus of claim. Second, owing to time diversified from policy stakeholder reassemble, the argument model actually follows up to change by timing. Third, the qualifier shall be having access to questionnaire analytic outcome from relevant literature to be collected absolutely, and expresses to the strength of a policy claim.


