  • 期刊


Research on Advocacy Coalition Framework: A Case Study of Taiwan's Free Port Policy



本文擬運用政策倡導聯盟架構(Advocacy Coalition Framework)之理論,對於我國自由貿易港區政策立法通過前後之沿革,多元的利害相關行動者彼此策略互動,以及其信仰體系認知之相互調適過程進行檢視。筆者最後提出我國自由貿易港區政策的「議題治理網絡」,包括三個階段:構成階段(二○○五年,以一年為期);制定準則階段(二○○六年至二○○八年,以三年為期);實行階段(二○○九年至二○二○年,以十二年為期),期能對於自由貿易港區的長期發展有所助益。 本文所欲探討的研究命題有三:「港埠競爭愈激烈,港埠發展政策就愈必須求新求變,自由貿易港區之設置因而就有其政策必要性」;「自由貿易港區政策之多元政治行動者之間的倡導聯盟策略互動關係會影響到該政策執行之成敗」;以及「所謂的「議題治理網絡」短、中、長期循序漸進之建構,有助於我國自由貿易港區政策之順利運作」。研究結果顯示,就第一個命題而言,自由貿易港區政策確實有其必要性,在案例探討時得到證實,唯政策執行成效能否達到預期目標,仍有待觀察。而倡導聯盟彼此間的策略互動對政策執行的影響雖至關重要,但影響層面的大小或深遠與否、甚至是否會造成政策之窒礙難行,則仍難以論斷。而本文所提出三階段的「議題治理網絡」當有助於我國自由貿易港區政策之順利運作,其成效如假以時日應可以預見。


This paper utilizes the theory of Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to analyze multi-stakeholders' strategic interaction during the policy implementation process of Taiwan's Free Port Policy. The author proposed a three-phase 'Issue Governance Network' of Taiwan's free port policy: the construction phase (2005); the regulation preparation phase (2006-2008); and the implementation phase (2009-2020). This article explores three research propositions as follows. First of all, the more competitive among East Asian harbors around the Port of Kaohsiung, the more necessary for port development's change and innovation; and the establishment of the free port policy is thus necessary. Secondly, multi-actors' policy advocacy coalitions and their strategic interaction relationship are essential to the policy implementation of the free port policy. Thirdly, the construction of the short-, medium-, and long-term 'Issue Governance Network' is helpful for the operation of Taiwan's free port policy. According to the research, while the first proposition sustains, the second proposition is hard to jump into conclusion at this early implementation phase of the free port policy. And finally, the third proposition could be foreseen in the near future.


