  • 期刊

船舶買賣之所有權移轉理論與實務-以海商法與Norwegian Sales Form為中心

Theories and Practices on the Transference of Ownership of the Ship Sale and Purchase - Based on the Maritime Law and the Norwegian Sales Form


船舶買賣契約之所有權移轉,有物權法上的意思主義、形式主義與折衷主義等不同立法例,經過海商法理論的轉換後,對於船舶此一具有「不動產性」的特殊動產,本文試圖完整探討其所有權移轉時點,並分析實務上最常見的Norwegian Sales Form (1993年版),尋求一具體可判斷的依據,將船舶所有權移轉之理論與實務進行緊密的連結與觀察。對於船舶所有權移轉之修法,建議以意思主義為主,形式主義為輔,衡平追求交易迅速與交易安全維護,達成促進效率與鼓勵航運之政策目的;另臺灣現行海商法第8條規定要求尚須「蓋印證明」,謂為「嚴格形(要)式主義」,與理論不合亦與實務不符,建議刪除,以符航運市場實際運作。


意思主義 形式主義 交付 登記 蓋印證明


Regarding to the transference of ownership in the ship sale and purchase contract, there are intentionalism, formalism, and eclecticism in the property law. However, owing to the immovable property characteristic of ship, it needs to make research for the timing of the transference of ownership considered completely of theory changing in the maritime law. Compared to the Norwegian Sales Form (1993), this study tries to find a specific timing to judge complying with theories and practices. To modify the regulation for the transference of ownership, it is advised to take intentionalism theory as priority and formalism theory as secondary. This way will make the transaction fast and safe. Also it can enhance the shipping market efficiency and achieve the shipping policy. According to article 8 required "Certification and Seal" in Taiwan Maritime Law, some researchers defined as formula intentionalism or strict formalism. This requirement goes against theories and practices. Recommend to delete "Certification and Seal" and make it to comply with actual shipping market operation in practice.
